Hiking Morgartenberg

In early February, we randomly picked a new peak to climb, not too far from home.  Mortgartenberg is a peak in the canton of Schwyz, the other side of Lucerne from our house .  The peak is right on the border of Schwyz and Zug cantons.  At the peak, you get a nice view of the lake Ageri.  You can also see lake Lauerzer to south.
We met an elderly man at the peak, who had out-paced us for the entire climb.  He was in his mid-seventies, claiming not to be a serious hiker.  Just in Swiss shape, I guess.  He had some keen insights about good places to hike in Schwyz/Zug.  He gave us a history (legend) lesson for Mortgartenberg peak, famous for Schwyz hauling heavy rocks to the peak, and unloading on the pesky Austrians trying to invade from north. 

Never clear to me where to park our car:

From here you could see Lauerzer

You don't see Ageri until you get to the peak.

Here's another shot of Lauerzer, from the car on way down.  No snow down there:


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